Hi! Welcome to our web page! Are you interested in canoeing, rafting or kayaking, or just want to give it a shot? We will show you Vltava river taking care of everything, mainly your safety, right at the best spot, in Cesky Krumlov. Before you take off we will drop all the neccesary knowledge about the river on you, all you need to know about our south bohemian nature and the basics of handling the vessel of your choice!
2. Vyšší Brod - Č. Krumlov (35 km)
It´s trip for hole day. Trip take 8-10 hour and long 35 km . We transport you up the stream river Vltava to city Vyšší Brod. We give you boat and all equipmnet. In about two hours you will see an interesting view of the Rozmberk castle. When you leave city Rozmberk you go around the way to city Cesky Krumlov. You finish in city Cesky Krumlov. You can finich befour the city near our office or you can go through the historic centrum. During the cruise we meet a lot of snacks, camp where you can refresh.
1. Český Krumlov (City, 2 km)
It´s very short trip´s. This trip také 30 max 1 hour on the river Vltava. You start near our office. You go through the historic city Cesky Krumlov. You can see the city from another view. You can take nice foto from raft. You finish on the end of city. Where we wait for you on finish and we pick up all equipment. You can go to your self to the city it´s také 5 minut tu TOWN SQUARE. Or we pick you back to our office where you start or to your hotel.
2. Vyšší Brod - Č. Krumlov (35 km)
It´s trip for hole day. Trip take 8-10 hour and long 35 km . We transport you up the stream river Vltava to city Vyšší Brod. We give you boat and all equipmnet. In about two hours you will see an interesting view of the Rozmberk castle. When you leave city Rozmberk you go around the way to city Cesky Krumlov. You finish in city Cesky Krumlov. You can finich befour the city near our office or you can go through the historic centrum. During the cruise we meet a lot of snacks, camp where you can refresh.
3. Rožmberk - Český Krumlov
The lenght of the trip is 35km and it takes 6-8 hours. In the morning hours we will pick you up on an arranged place and take you to Rožmberk nad Vltavou, were the trip beggins. Before you go on an advanture, you will be told all the important information. On this leg there are 7 weirs. The first of them is Dolní mlýn (the Lower Mill). From the river you can see the Rožumberk state castle which was built in the first half of the 13th century. The river Vltava goes around the entire castle, therefore you can admire its beauty from all its sides. After going around the castle, there is a campsite with refreshments on the left bank. After leaving the town the Vltava speeds up swiftly and you can watch the surrounding nature. After around 13km on the left bank there is a restaurant called The Viking's which offers local specialities. There is also a campsite Pískárny (Sand quarries) and for those who can't stay without the Internet, there is a Wifi connection. The power of the river doesn't weaken untill it reaches the paper mill at Větřní, where there is the second weir, the Pečkov mill. After about 1km there is the third weir called Konopa. Then you can pause at Nové Spolí campsite. Before entering Český Krumlov, there are two weirs. The first one in Na Rechlích and then there is U Liry. After entering Český Krumlov you can witness the unforgettable sight on the entire historical centre. There is the State castle, which was in 1992 enlisted on the UNESCO World Heritige Site. There is also the Roman-Catholic church of St. Vitus, which was built in the late gothic style. Below this church there is the weir called Mrázkův Mlýn (the Mrázek's mill). The last weir, U jelení lávky (the deer bridge), is located right below the castle. The trip ends in campsite Český Krumlov on the left bank after about 1km. There you will be expected and taken back.
4. Pískárna - Český Krumlov
The lenght of the trip is 15km and it takes 3-4 hours. In the morning hours we will pick you up on an arranged place and take you to Pískárny campsite, where the trip beggins. There you will be told all the important information about the trip. There are 6 weirs on this leg which are in Větřní, Spolí and 4 in Český Krumlov. After the embarkment there are three turns, which are very swift. The river slows down before the paper mills in Větřní, where ther is the weir Pečkovský mlýn (the Pečkov mill). After going through this one and after about 1km there is the weir Konopa often called "The Parrot Rock weir". You can buy some refreshments in the Nové Spolí campsite. From this campsite we recommend to take a walk to the culture and historic sights of Český Krumlov. The imaginary gate to Český Krumlov from the river is the weir Na Rechlích and then follows the weir U Liry. After going through both of the weirs you can see the whole town centre fromo a different perspective. There is the State castle, which was in 1992 enlisted on the UNESCO World Heritige Site. There is also the Roman-Catholic church of St. Vitus, which was built in the late gothic style. Below this church there is the weir called Mrázkův Mlýn (the Mrázek's mill). The last weir, U jelení lávky (the deer bridge), is located right below the castle. The trip ends in campsite Český Krumlov on the left bank after about 1km. There you will be expected and taken back.
5. Větřní - Český Krumlov
The lenght of the trip is about 5km and it takes 1-2 hours. This route is the shortest and therefore is suitable for families with children. You will be picked up at the pre-arranged time on the pre-arranged place and taken to Větřní where the boat trip on the river Vltava beggins. Before you go on an adventure, you will be told all the important information. On this leg, there are 5 weirs. Going along on the left bank of the Vltava there is one of the biggest paper mills in the Czech Republic and there is also the first weir called Pečkovský mlýn (The Pečkov mill). After going through this one and after about 1km there is the weir Konopa often called "The Parrot Rock weir". You can buy some refreshments in the Nové Spolí campsite. From this campsite we recommend to take a walk to the culture and historic sights of Český Krumlov. The imaginary gate to Český Krumlov from the river is the weir Na Rechlích and then follows the weir U Liry. After going through both of the weirs you can see the whole town centre fromo a different perspective. There is the State castle, which was in 1992 enlisted on the UNESCO World Heritige Site. There is also the Roman-Catholic church of St. Vitus, which was built in the late gothic style. Below this church there is the weir called Mrázkův Mlýn (the Mrázek's mill). The last weir, U jelení lávky (the deer bridge), is located right below the castle. The trip ends in the campsite Český Krumlov on the left bank after about 1km. There you will be expected and taken back.
6. Český Krumlov - Zlatá Koruna TIP!
The lenght of the trip is 15km and it takes 3-4 hours. On the leg Český Krumlov - Zlatá Koruna there are historic monuments and landscape that copies the river Vltava. You will be picked up at the pre-arranged time on the pre-arranged place and taken to Český Krumlov where the boat trip on the river Vltava beggins. Before you go on an adventure, you will be told all the important information. On both river banks there are fast food stalls. On this leg there are 3 weirs which are called Mrázkův mlýn, U jelení lávky and Koruna. The first one is below the Roman-Catholic church of St. Vitus. This church was built in style of late gothic. The second weir is below the state castle Český Krumlov. The castle was in 1992 enlisted on the UNESCO World Heritige Site. From the river you can see the historic center of Český Krumlov, which has its own charm. After leaving the town the Vltava turns to forests and meadows and after around 3 hours you get to Zlatá Koruna (Golden Crown) where there is the last weir of the trip. In Zlatá Koruna we recomend to visit its monastery. The trip ends under the weir where we will be expecting you.
7. Český Krumlov - Boršov nad Vltavou.
The lenght of the trip is 35km and it takes 6-8 hours. This leg is considered to be calm and romantic. You will be picked up in the morning at the pre-arranged time on the pre-arranged place and taken to Český Krumlov where the boat trip on the river Vltava beggins. Before you go on an adventure, you will be told all the important information. On both river banks there are fast food stalls. On this leg there are 3 weirs which are called Mrázkův mlýn, U jelení lávky and Koruna. The first one is below the Roman-Catholic church of St. Vitus. This church was built in style of late gothic. The second weir is below the state castle Český Krumlov. The castle was in 1992 enlisted on the UNESCO World Heritige Site. From the river you can see the historic center of Český Krumlov, which has its own charm. After leaving the town the Vltava turns to forests and meadows and after around 3 hours you get to Zlatá Koruna (Golden Crown) where there is the last weir of the trip. In Zlatá Koruna we recomend to visit its monastery. On the right bank there is a campsite called U Kačerů where you can stop and go to the town or for a snack. After leaving Zlatá Koruna flows into the forests and meadows. You will be going through the protected area Blanský les. After around 3 hours you can see a ruined castle called Dívčí kámen. It is one of the largest and best reserved European monuments frm the middle ages. The castle was founded in 1349 by the house of Rožumberk. Further there is the weir U Rybů and then there is the weir Zátkův mlýn, through which you can't go and you have to carry the boat around it. After about 10 minutes on the left bank there is the campsite Poslední štace, were you will be expected.
8. Summary of the weirs on the river Vltava
1) U Bílého mlýna - Vyšší Brod
Oblique weir with passing on the left, 1,2m high and 90m wide, carriable on the left.
2) Horní mlýn - Herbertov
Passing on the right over a wooden slide, 1,5m high and 45m wide, carriable on the right.
3) Dolní mlýn - Rožmberk nad Vltavou
Passing on the right, 1,4m high and 55m wide, carriable on the right,
4) Pečkovský mlýn - Větřní
Passing on the right, oblique and high weir, carriable on the right. 1,8m high and 90m wide.
5) Konopa - Nové Spolí
Oblique weir with passing on the right, carriable on the right. 1,5m high and 46m wide.
6) Na Rechlích - Český Krumlov
Perpendicular weir located under a wooden footbridge. Passing on the right. 1,1m high and 108m wide.
7) U Liry - Český Krumlov
Oblique weir with passing on the left and carriable on the right. 1m high and 33m wide.
8) Mrázkův Mlýn - Český Krumlov
Oblique weir with passing in the left. 1,5m high and 55m wide.
9) U jelení lávky - Český Krumlov
Oblique weir with passing on the left and carriable on the left. 1,5m high and 56m wide.
10) Zlatá Koruna - Zlatá Koruna
Oblique weir with passing on the right and carriable on the right. 1,6m high ans 90m wide.
11) U Rybů - Boršov nad Vltavou
Passing through a burst dam on the left and carriable on the right. 0,6m high and 100m wide.
12) Zátkův mlýn - Boršov nad Vltavou
Perpendacular weir with a water power-plant. It is NOT passable but it is carriable on the left.